Friday, June 29, 2012

First Hit

While I was at the CHEO conference last weekend, my older boys each had a baseball game.    My oldest decided for the first time to play baseball this year.   At 9 years old, it suffices to say he is a little behind the other players in terms of experience.   In spite of that, he has kept a great attitude towards the game and never once asked to quit or anything.    Early on in the season, he realized that when he swung the bat, he rarely hit the ball; but if he didn't swing, he would generally get walked.  So game after game, he was content just standing at the plate and taking what came.   Often he would get walked to first and occasionally the pitcher would be able to strike him out.  

We started working with him at home on batting.   A few years ago we bought a pitching machine for my baseball lover, so it was a great tool to help in this situation.   He got to the point that he was hitting the balls from the machine quite well, but still wouldn't take a swing at a game.   Then the few times he did decide to swing he was still missing.   We found that the pitching machine was always delivering strikes, but in little league, you're lucky if you get two strikes in a row.  He continued to have a hard time judging the balls coming in.   My phrase for him at each game became "today's the day!!"   The other moms even picked up on it, and we all encouraged him to swing and try to get a hit. 

So while I was at the conference, my parents took the kids to their games.    My mom lifted up a prayer for him that he would have a taste of success and see how good it felt to have a hit.  Side note... it never once occurred to me to pray for this.   For a mom who prays for everything, I can't believe the thought never crossed my mind.   Anyway, as you can imagine, God answered that prayer and gave him his first hit!   He was so excited he called me at the conference to share his news.    One of the other moms told him that his parents were never allowed to come to another game... LOL!

Well as great as that was, the next game he did not get a hit.  So yesterday comes and he has a game and he decides he's going to pray for a hit.    I asked him why he wanted a hit because God judges our requests by the intentions of our heart also.   (James 4:3)  I was afraid God wouldn't answer his prayer.  

Lo, and behold, he got a hit in the game.   He bobbled the ball just in front of home plate.   Unfortunately he got out at first.   I told him he needs to be specific when he prays.   God answered his prayer by giving him a hit but it wasn't in the way that my son expected. 

I think it's great that God is gracious like that.   He answers the prayers of the young to show them he cares for them even  when it's insignificant.   I was excited too that I got to see him get a hit!!

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