Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lotsa thoughts

I have a bunch of things on my mind today, so we'll see which ones come out in which order.... probably won't even get them all down.   Here goes....

First a conversation I had with my son yesterday.  

Mom:   You know you really are handsome.  (partially admiring the haircut I just gave him :)  <long pause>   I bet if you were nicer, the girls would really like you.

Son:   I don't want girls to like me!!

Mom:  Well then I guess it's working.

For whatever reason, this cracked my mom and I up after it happened.   The boys had no idea what we were laughing about, so hopefully you all get it.


I just got done cleaning up blood stains to my carpet.   I was in the midst of a fiasco in the driveway when I come upstairs to a loudly crying son.   My oldest tells me that one of the twins has a bloody nose.   I'm looking as they are standing in the middle of my living room!!   I yelled, get him off the carpet to which my older son, I think just processing, continues talking about what happened or how to move him.   The problem was that he was still standing still.   So I grab the twin and carry him to the bathroom and then instruct my older son to hold the kleenex until I come back upstairs.   I go to the driveway and finish sorting out the fiasco and then return to make sure everything was okay.   My little guy had been leaning over the couch to see out the window.   The couch that has already been moved a foot plus away from the window so they don't climb over the back of the couch and ruin it.   He slipped and cut his lip on the window sill.   Then proceeded to drip blood every foot or so across the carpet until he stood still in the middle of the room where I had a large spot, then every foot or so from there to the bathroom.   Thank God for Bissell carpet cleaners!!   You can't even tell it was there!  

In the process, I got to use my new vacuum that I purchased from an estate sale today.   Was pretty excited about that.   Had to vacuum before using the carpet cleaner, so now my rug looks all nicely brushed and clean.   Gotta take the blessings where you can find them!!   Also, thankful he didn't knock any teeth in the process of falling!  Maybe now my constant nagging to not climb on the couch will stick.  


I have been very humbled the past few weeks by the Lord.   I am thankful for his correction and discipline, but its always hard to look at yourself and realize how far short from His holiness you fall.   As I mentioned earlier, I've been reading this book Homeschool Supermom... Not.  It has been showing me some areas of trouble for me like self sufficiency and impatience.  I have been living life on my own accord for a pretty long time and going to God only when it seems that I can't do something myself.   Which isn't all bad, except that I have found myself failing miserably lately and wondering why I can't pull it together.  

What this book has been pointing out it that when it comes right down to it, that is sin!   I've also been realizing how prideful I've been over the years and how much I really found identity in my job.   Now that I'm home and not feeling very good at what I do, I've been struggling with jealous thoughts and comparing myself with other people.   This was something I never really struggled with before.  I read someones blog today and thought, wow she takes awesome pictures.  I read another site and thought, man, she has such a way with words.   We got left overs from an event today and I thought what a talented family to the ones who made the food.   Except that I'm not just happy that those people are talented in those ways, I'm almost frustrated that I can't do that.   And I do mean can't.   In most cases, I think it's just not the way I'm wired.   So God has been showing me that I need to find my identity in Him and not in what I can do or not do.   I think it's so awesome though that He DOES show us these things.   That is the evidence of a relationship with Him and a moving forward in holiness and Christ-likeness.   So as these sins are brought to light I pray that I would truly repent and realize I'm a daughter of God and that's what makes me special.  

This seems like a good place to put a scripture relating to what I'm talking about.   Except, you know what?   I can't think of one.   That's because my quiet times have stunk lately too.   After being a Christian for almost 30 years, you'd think I'd be better about spending time with the Lord.   Nope, this is an area that I have ALWAYS struggled with.   One thing I do know, is when I'm feeling really down and out and somewhat lost on my path, I can directly relate those times to not being in the Word in a long time.  

So, with the Lords strength, I'm trying to do better.   Just know that He is your strength and you are special NOT because of anything you do, but just because you are His child!!!   Be yourself and let God's light shine through you in who He made YOU to be!!

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