Monday, June 11, 2012

Sun-burned Racing Stripes

Saturday, I had the pleasure of sitting through 2 Little League games back to back.  One child had a game at 9:30 and the other at noon.   I was smart enough to bring sunscreen for the kids and snacks (I'm not always so prepared).    I sprayed the kids and thought I should probably get myself too so I'm not burned.   So I did a quick once over with the aerosol bottle of sunscreen.   Apparently I was a little close to my arm and didn't get coverage over the whole thing.   The result, I am branded with a racing stripe down my arm of where the sunscreen hit and sunburned on both sides where I wasn't so thorough.   I've actually had worse, once I had lotion on my hand and tried to get the back of my arm where I clearly left 4 finger marks well defined.   This at least was a little blended so its noticeable but not a straight defined line.   I also probably should have gotten my face a little more.   Either way, both boys won their games and all-in-all it wasn't too bad.  

Sunday and today were also decent days.  I didn't do too much, actually probably not enough, but it was nice and relaxing.   I watched the kids do a "show" which is always entertaining.   Sometimes, I look back on a day and think "what DID I do all day".   Today feels like one of those days.   Didn't accomplish much and can't even think of what I really did, but time passed and it wasn't bad.   That makes it a decent day :D  

I attended a book study this evening with some other ladies who home school.  We're reading the book "Homeschooling Supermom .... NOT".   It's been encouraging and SO nice to get away and spend some time with other adults!  I look forward to getting to know some new people better as well.  

Guess that's it for now.  Ta ta!

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