Saturday, July 7, 2012

Heat Wave!!

After a week of 90+ temps and sitting through a little league baseball game this afternoon, I am so thankful for air conditioning.   We live on the second floor of a house and have a window air conditioning unit for the main living space of our house.   In temps like these, it barely keeps up, but even still, I am thankful!   It's a roaster out there today!


 I was sitting at the computer the other day next to one of my sons, when he asks, "What is sex?".   I immediately am thinking, where did this question come from!!!   Then I noticed that the computer was on the homepage for Facebook and on the main page are the fields to register.  One of them is 'sex', referring to gender.  WHEW!!  Tough question averted!!!  Made me laugh afterwards!


I have officially been asked by one of my children to no longer share stories about them.    At first, I was like, really??, but I want to honor their request, individuality, and dignity, so I will oblige.   I have a good friend to tries to tell all her stories in a gender neutral way without identifying which child, and now I can better understand why.   I will try resorting to that on my posts.  

It's interesting, because when I heard this request, I thought about the book of Luke.   When reading the first few chapters of Luke, I was struck by how many times it said "And Mary hid these things in her heart".   I didn't understand why it emphasized that so much.   I think Mary realized there would be a proper time to share stories about what was happening with her and her Son.   Just as this child has requested me not to share stories, in their proper time, they may not mind as much.   They will understand that I share stories because they were cute and not to embarrass them.   Probably not totally related, but that's what it made me think of.  


We celebrated a great fourth of July.   A friend invited us over for back yard fireworks from their neighbor.   Everyone was raving about how great this guy's show was and that it rivaled any city fireworks they had seen.   We went and checked it out.   After getting completely poured on for a little bit in a heat storm, we got to see the show.   Wow!!!  It really was as good as everyone said.  This guy must put quite a bit of money into this every year.   We were thankful that the kids got to see some fireworks (after our city fireworks got rained out the previous night) and enjoy it with close friends!!

Guess that's all for now.... until next time!

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