Tuesday, June 11, 2013

To Barbie or not to?

My daughter has been really getting into dolls lately with some of her friends.   Most of it has been doll house dolls of the smaller type.   So my daughter gets this gift card to Walmart and I suggest to her to buy a Barbie or some Barbie clothes.    I didn't see any other doll stuff that looked 'better' or 'worse' than Barbies (okay actually I do think there are dolls that are worse than Barbie).  But in that moment, I remembered comments from people being very against Barbie and I second guessed myself.   It's not that I'm trying to please other people, but I have had a few of those parent moments where you think something isn't going to be a big deal for your kid and then you look back and think "wow, how did I get here".   I don't want to have to take the Barbie's away in the future because they are causing issues.  So do you think Barbie's can really cause image issues in girls?   Do they as a whole portray a lifestyle that I would not want my daughter to emulate?   I really don't know on this one, so thoughts??

The summer has started out as a busy one for us.   We seem to have these months throughout the year where things ending and new things beginning overlap and its just pure craziness!   We are finishing up baseball season in the next couple weeks and starting other summer activities.   All four boys are playing baseball this year.   Luckily, because of the way their ages fell, we only have to deal with 2 different teams.    I also signed my three littles up for a theater class.  The class runs for 2 1/2 hours on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  My oldest is joining the swim team and is considering joining 4-H for rabbits.   Yes, this means lots of driving around for me.   I really don't mind though and it's been kind of fun so far.   Ask me again at the end of June!  

Our bunnies have finally reached 8 weeks old.   We ended up losing one a few weeks ago.   It was the one that my oldest wanted to keep, so he took it really hard.   Hopefully we'll be able to get rid of the others easily on craigslist.   I'm hoping to not have 5 rabbits in a few weeks!!   We did find out that we have 2 females and 1 male.   The male has already been separated from mama!   We don't need this whole fiasco happening again!! 

Tons of other things are swirling around my head to write about, but I think I'll just stop at that for tonight.  

Hope you all have a blessed week!!

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