Friday, June 14, 2013

Cause my mother did it, and her mother did it....

Have you ever heard the story about the mother teaching her daughter how to make a roast.  She said first you cut off the two ends.  The daughter asked "why do you cut off the ends?"  The mother replied because that's how my mother taught me to do it.   So they went to the grandma and asked, "Why do you cut the ends off of the roast?"  She replied, "because that's how my mother taught me to do it".   So they go to great grandma and ask her, "why do you cut off the ends of the roast?".  She replied, "because my pan was too small! I had to cut off the ends to make it fit".  

So my correlation to this story?   My sons are tall for their age, but most of them have small waists.  My son got into the next size of pants for length, but the waist was too big.  Being the quick and frugal mom that I am, I rolled down his waistband to make it a little tighter.   Well now a few years later, he still insists on rolling his waistband down.   I just noticed that he even did it to his pajama pants!!  Ten years from now, when this is a big fashion fad, you'll know where it came from :)

So the bread yesterday turned out delicious!   So good in fact, that we made another batch yesterday.  We gave one loaf away and gobbled the second up quickly.   With a family of 7 people, a loaf doesn't go too far.   Even the two loaves from the next batch are almost gone this evening.  

K heading out for a worship practice.   Have a good night y'all!!

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