Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Preadolescence.... ugh!

I have a 9 year old, preadolescent son.   He also is very strong willed and lately has been pushing my parenting skills to the max!!   The ups and downs of emotions would be almost comical if it didn't hit so close to home and push my buttons some times.   Yesterday he declared that he wanted to live on his own and be independent.   I asked him of course where he would live, how he would earn money and what he would eat.   To this he replied, he would be a construction worker like daddy and live in the forest.   I didn't even get into the logistical part of living in a forest, like you can't just park it on someone else's land and most parks would kick you out.   I just said, okay lets give it a shot.  I'll set up the tent and you can spend the night outside "on your own".   I'll even supply the food/water.  

Now I know my son!  This is the kid that hates going upstairs by himself when everyone is downstairs because it's dark and he's alone.   No way, even with his strong willed nature, he was going to make it outside all night.   So I pulled out the tent and in 90 degree weather set it up in the back yard.   I even set it up within 10 feet of the house because I knew distance wasn't going to matter when darkness came. 

My son, so excited at the thought, got his sleeping bag, a flashlight, water, and bible (go figure) and moved out into the tent.  It was about 10 PM.   I don't even think it was 20 minutes and he was inside asking if he could come back in.   We needed to make a point and make sure he had "suffered" enough to remember this experience.   So we sent him back outside after a stern talking to.  

Being a part of a team means taking the good with the bad-- enjoying togetherness and the fun stuff while also working together to accomplish the "work" that needs to be done.   The second time he came back in, I asked him if he was ready to be part of the team.   I reminded him he is not the coach of this team and therefore cannot make decisions about it.   I also talked to him about being in God's will and under God's umbrella of protection.  When he chooses not to follow God's commands, he has to face the storms of life without God's umbrella and it's no fun to be rained on.   Being in God's will doesn't mean the storms won't come, but their so much easier to face with Him than without Him.  

All in all it was less than an hour!   Hopefully it made an impact.   Hopefully they'll be no more talk of running away or trying to make it on his own.  

So being at 9, I'm guessing this is JUST the beginning!   Oh Lord, give me the strength!

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