Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Today I am feeling blah...   I hate those days.   Especially, when the blahs seem unexplainable.   Everything in life is pretty good now.   Nothing to complain about.   The sun is shining, it's a beautiful day.   And yet...

Anywho, only one more week of school.   My daughter has to go the following Monday, June 4... but that hardly counts.   My boys finished their grammar book yesterday.   What a feeling of accomplishment!   We finished math a few weeks ago, so only a few things to finish up this week.   Hard to believe my first year of homeschooling is coming to an end.   It definitely had its ups and downs.  

About 3/4 of the way through I was feeling pretty down about my kids education.    We had already decided at the beginning of the year to IOWA test the boys.   We completed that testing in April.   So I would say late March to mid-April, I started trying to figure out what to do for next year.    I felt like we definitely had some gaps this year (mainly spelling!! - but art and music too).   I decided to start looking again into an online public school.    Next year my daugther is going to be home with us and I was feeling pretty nervous about the whole thing.  After thinking about it for a few weeks, we decided to go forward with the public school option.  I actually started the enrollment process without even consulting any friends cause I was afraid of what they'd say (not that I expected them to be unsupportive :)  Everytime I talk to a friend who homeschools though, I get so in the conversation, especially about curriculums and groups to join, and so on.   THEN, I got the test results back for the boys.   They did SO well.   I was so proud of them!   There were a few areas where scores were low on the tests, but that was the whole point of me wanting to test... to find areas we needed to concentrate on more.   So I felt pretty encouraged.   I actually have until July 15 to fully enroll them in school.   And I actually think we will enroll them, but I wonder if it will be just a one year thing.   Hmm, thoughts to ponder.  

My son is in the other room cooking blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes for lunch.  How cool is that!   My son is actually old enough to cook lunch for everyone.   Totally loving it!

Speaking of sons and ages... my babies turned 4 this month.   Hard to believe 4 years has already gone by.   They are getting so big!  

Ahh, the call for lunch has gone out.... I guess that's all for now.   Ha!   Just realized I didn't even get to what I was going to originally post about.   So much for Memorial Day Weekend....  ha... lol... guess I have 2 more days to get back to that.


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