Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Still hanging in there

It's been much too long since I've been on here.    It seems like the same old stuff is going on, but in truth lots has been happening.  

We've finally hit the financial woes I've been expecting.   Praise the Lord we didn't hit them until January when I honestly expected them in November.   My husband is working full time in the trades now and one of the major downfalls is the up and down nature of work, especially in the winter.   The blessing, I've been able to see lots more of my husband this week and I enjoy spending time with him.    The bad side is our stock on everything is running low.   I ran out of laundry soap, light bulbs and batteries last week.   All necessary but slightly expensive stuff.   Praise the Lord, I found another jug of ALL in the laundry room.   Most of our monthly money goes to my parents for rent and payment on a loan.  They were gracious enough to let us pay our other bills for now.   So I was able to buy batteries because some things in the house just needed them.   I'm looking forward to tax return time and praying for more money to come in the door.  

School has been going well with the boys.   We're definitely in a groove and I feel like they are learning things.   What more could I ask for :D

Our schedule has gotten really busy since the beginning of the year.   The boys started playing basketball and my three eldest children are in a local play.   So we've been bouncing between play practice and basketball for them.   My husband started playing basketball with some men from a local church which is great for him to get out and exercise too!   I've been hanging out with friends and getting the "me" time that I desperately look forward to every week.  

So I've been away for a while, but still hanging in there.  Please pray for God to continue to meet our financial needs.  

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