Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In the beginning

of my blog, of course. I've such fun writing my other blog that I decided to start one just for everyday stuff. Periodically, I have these deep thoughts, or sometimes just want to share random stories. With who? I'm not quite sure. My other blog has very few followers, but that doesn't make it any less fun to write in. So even if my wonderful husband and few friends from church are the only ones to ever stop in, I'll still be here writing. Maybe some day my kids will enjoy reading the chronicles of my life.

So on to my life's happenings....

Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday and I have no idea what got into us, but we've been in a baking frenzy. My husband started selling Pampered Chef and recently did his "practice" show for the family. My daughter must have been impressed because she asked my husband to make her something for her birthday and "do a show". At a PC party on Sunday, someone commented that the batter bowls were good for Princess cakes (where the cake is baked in the bowl and then used as the skirt of the doll). So my husband decided to bake my daughter a princess cake for her birthday. AND DECORATE IT!!! I had my doubts... but I have to admit, I am quite impressed!! Here is a pic:

As for me, I decided to try my hand at making Cake Pops. A coworkers wife makes them and sells them. They are SO delicious. My cube mate and I have been hearing about the secrets of making good and pretty cake pops, so we'll see how they come out. I have no intentions of selling them or anything, but they are really cute for parties, etc. Right now the balls are in the refrigerator and still need to be dipped. Pictures tomorrow!

1 comment:

Jen said...

My life is now complete. I have seen Phil with a Barbie.