Tuesday, October 18, 2011

In the Moment

One of my boys is a totally in the moment kind of guy.   It actually drives me crazy sometimes because he can be totally okay and as soon as something doesn't go his way, he's off and pouting.   He usually doesn't like to talk about it either, so half the time you're wondering what's wrong.   One time we went to a small amusement park that has fun stuff to do like laser tag, go carts, mini golf, inflatables, video games, etc.   When we were leaving, we asked the kids if they had fun.... his answer "eh".   I was so mad that day.   It was mainly the fact that we were leaving and the 'fun' was over.     

It's funny though because I've been feeling that same way lately.   God has blessed our family with SO much and the first sign of an average or mediocre day and I'm like "why is life like this".   Today, and yesterday actually, I've been having a 'blah' day.   I'm not finding any joy in homeschooling and missing somethings about the business world, like the satisfaction of a job well done.    Oh, it's not like this all the time.   Some days I'm totally loving everything and it's completely awesome.  What's so crazy though is how quickly my attitude and thoughts can turn.  

We often remind my son that life's not a party.   It's not always going to be fun and sometimes it's just plain hard.    Today I need that message.   So I'm preaching to myself.    Just because things aren't all peachy doesn't mean God isn't in them.   Oh Lord, help me to realize the amazing gifts you have blessed us with and be thankful for them everyday.    Even in the midst of the blahs help me find joy!

So in other news, I'm not crazy about my daughters kindergarten teacher.   The teacher my boys had was so awesome.   So awesome in fact that you don't realize how good she was until she's not there anymore.   My daughter had some homework this week that I just thought was crazy.   I'm not sure if the teacher really expects them to be able to complete it, or if she really expects the parents to help as much as I had to without telling us.  Will definitely have to bring it up at conferences.    AND... my daughter is writing letters as part of her homework and has NO idea the proper way to write them.    If it's part of her homework, I would have assumed they practiced it or went over it in class??   Just makes me miss the other teacher.    The silver lining is that if my daughter stays in public schools next year, she will have the opportunity to have that teacher since she moved to teaching 1st grade.   We'll see.  

I so want a vacation right now.   I really love to travel and am getting the itch.   It looks pretty bleak for taking a vacation anytime soon; unless we do it with tax return money, which only means something else won't get bought or paid.   Ah, choices, choices.  

Guess that's all for now.  

1 comment:

Gfam said...

My thoughts on vacations - if I have to leave my house for something fun that requires enough work and preparation to make me want to take a nap - that is a vacation. Pack a lunch and go to the zoo. Or the library with everybody. It should scratch the itch. :-)