Monday, February 13, 2012

Another one bites the dust...

Beware... puke stories ahead... do not read if you're stomach turns easily...

Well, I'm pretty sure it started with the Superbowl game.   Our family all gets together, including 13 children, and we seem to always exchange germs.  I got sick first and was down for pretty much 2 days.  The my oldest got it while at home group on Thursday.   Luckily, we stayed home from church on Sunday to give everyone a chance to rest and to try and prevent the spread of more sickness.  My daughter got sick, luckily no throwing up, on Sunday with a fever and one of the twins got it Sunday afternoon, again no throwing up.  However, the luck didn't last long... last night, the other twin threw up in the middle of the night and just now my 2nd oldest was bowing to the porcelain god.   Does it get any better than this?   My parents and husband may have the bug too, although it seems to be working the other end for them.   I know, I know... TMI!  Sorry.

I'm just looking forward to the day when everyone is old enough to make it to a toilet or a bowl.   Unfortunately, this was not that time.   I've spent two nights cleaning up puke which is absolutely NO FUN!  

However, in the midst of all this, I am thankful for a few things.  One, the kids got it before performance time for the play.   Two, I think we're done now, it's been through everyone in one form or fashion.  Three, my house was overdue for a good bleaching, and this certainly calls for a good cleaning.  

So to all my readers, I hope your families are well and if you get a second today and think about it, please pray for the health of ours. 

Good night....

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