My son had a baseball game yesterday and played really well. He had an unassisted double play, 3 hits and 3 RBIs. Also he batted in the 'clean-up' position based on batting average, which means his must have been the best for the team as of yesterday. I was so proud of him.
He really loves baseball. Our YMCA is offering a league that starts in about a week and he wants to play again. Right now, he has a dream of being a professional baseball player. Every time I say that to another mother, they say "oh yeah, my son went through that phase too". For some reason though, I don't think its a phase for my son. Maybe I'm disillusioned by the fact that it's my son, but he is really driven to be better. He practices all the time. I mean ALL the time. My husband and I bought him a pitching machine for Christmas last year just to save OUR arms from having to constantly pitch to him.
God has really given him a talent too. He is one of the better players on his team and he is 7. The league goes from 7 - 9, so imagine where he'll be when he's playing on these teams at 9!!
So with all this thought of being a pro-ball player, I've read up on it some. Apparently living up in the North here like we do means the kids don't get as much playing time; obviously because of snow. So that can end up putting them a little behind in the big scheme of things. Interesting.... never thought of that. We have no plans to move to Florida, however, so its all in God's hands. I am interested to see though where it goes. Will it really end up being a phase?? Who knows maybe he'll end up being the next Babe Ruth (a Christian one, of course)?